lunes, 8 de junio de 2020

El Salvador: I Madrid ställs två av mördarna av de fem spanska jesuitprästerna inför rätta

De åtta som mördades, fem av dem spanska jesuitpräster och de tre övriga en salvadoransk jesuitpräst och en kvinnlig anställd med dotter.

El Salvador: I Madrid ställs två av mördarna av de fem spanska jesuitprästerna inför rätta

TEGUCIGALPA / DICK EMANUELSSON / 2020-06-08 / I dag inleddes i Madrid rättegången mot två av de utpekade mördarna av åtta personer, fem av dem spanska jesuitpräster, som mördades av en dödsskvadron från den USA-stödda salvadoranska armén i november 1989. Beslutet att avrätta de fem fattades av den högsta ledningen för armén, vars generaler hade utbildats på School of Americas i USA.

Det är den spanska människorättsorganisationen `La Asociación Pro Derechos Humanos de España´ som under tio års tid har fört en hård strid med den reaktionära spanska rättsapparaten för att denna, enligt internationell rätt, skulle inleda processen mot det salvadoranska militära etablissemanget. 

De utpekade är överste Inocente Montano Morales och löjtnant René Mendoza Vallecillos, enheter ur den salvadoranska armén som den 16 november 1989 sköt ihjäl de fem jesuitprästerna samt en salvadoransk jesuitpräst och en kvinnlig anställd på det Centralamerikanska Universitetet UCA i San Salvador som mördades i sällskap med sin dotter.

Enligt anklagelsepunkterna och enligt de salvadoranska människorättsorganisationerna utgjorde de anklagade delar av en parallell struktur inom den salvadoranska armén. Denna var en del i den av CIA och Pentagon utformade manualen för ”Smutsigt Krig” som ägnade sig åt gripanden, tortyr, försvinnanden och avrättning av vad Pentagon i sin ”Nationella Säkerhetsdoktrin” karaktäriserar som ”den Inre Fienden”, det vill säga den politiska revolutionära vänstern.

Det var denna struktur, med deltagande av ”Dödsskvadronpartiet” ARENA som mördade San Salvadors älskade ärkebiskop Oscar Arnulfo Romero. Arena uttalade under den politiska krisen och försöket till statskupp i Nicaragua april-juli 2018 sitt ”totala stöd till den nicaraguanska oppositionen”!



This culminates a process whose instruction began more than a decade ago with the complaint filed by the Spanish Association for Human Rights in defense of the interests of the victims.


On Monday, June 8, 2020, the trial of those responsible for the murders of the Spanish Jesuits in El Salvador will begin in Madrid, before the Criminal Chamber of the National Court. This culminates a process whose instruction began more than a decade ago with the complaint filed by the Spanish Association for Human Rights in defense of the interests of the victims.

The  Pro Human Rights Association of Spain  presented before the Second Section of the Criminal Chamber of the National Court, a year ago, the brief of accusation against Colonel  Inocente Montano Morales  and Lieutenant  René Mendoza Vallecillos , of the Army of the Republic from El Salvador, for the murder, on the early morning of November 16, 1989, of the Spanish Jesuit priests  Ignacio Ellacuría Beascoechea, Ignacio Martín Baró,  Segundo Montes Mozo, Amando López Quintana and Juan Ramón Moreno  Pardo , and the Jesuit priest  Joaquín López López , the employee  Julia  Elba Ramos  and her daughter Celina Mariceth Ramos , the last three of Salvadoran nationality.

The trial will begin at 3:00 pm in Madrid and will be broadcast live, in order to comply - in COVID 19's time - with the principle of publicity and orality of the criminal justice debates. The sessions will begin with the exposition and resolution of the recent request of the accused Mendoza that his criminal responsibility for the prescription of the crimes imputed to him be excluded. Yushi René Mendoza Valdecillos was a young officer of the Salvadoran Army when the events took place, and since then has maintained a procedural position of collaboration with the justice and reparation of the victims, for the full clarification of the facts, the investigation of the case and holding this trial.

The defendants were part of the parallel structures of the Salvadoran army that systematically used clandestine procedures of dirty war and state terrorism during the internal armed conflict in the Central American country in order to alter public peace and instill terror in the population through actions such as extrajudicial executions of opponents, indiscriminate attacks against the civilian population with firearms and explosives, enforced disappearances, torture and other attempts against the life and physical and moral integrity of people, and also against property; attacks including the 1980 murder of Monsignor  Óscar Arnulfo Romero, Archbishop of San Salvador, and successive bomb attacks on the headquarters of the Central American University, UCA, which in no case could be considered a military objective.

This chain of aggressions manifestly in violation of International Humanitarian Law, culminated in 1989 with the murder of  Ignacio Ellacuría  and his companions, decided by the Salvadoran Army General Staff, and executed in a premeditated and treacherous manner by the Atlacatl Battalion that ended the life of all victims of multiple firearm injuries.

For more than twenty years, the Association for Human Rights of Spain has been present and contributing to the exercise of popular action in the initiatives in which it has been exercised in our country, despite the limitations imposed by the successive reforms of our Organic Law of Judiciary in contravention of International Conventions ratified by Spain, the universal jurisdiction to protect victims of the most serious human rights violations and to exercise their right to justice.

After thirty years of the murder of the Jesuits in El Salvador, the APDHE reiterates its commitment to continue accompanying the victims in these cases for justice, and defending the exercise of universal jurisdiction in our courts while advocating the recovery of the legislative framework twice unduly restricted by our legislators in breach of the obligations previously contracted by Spain. In accordance with the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, no country can invoke its internal law to disregard international obligations previously contracted by signing a Treaty.

The sacrifice of Ellacuría and her companions, demonstration of their unwavering commitment to the most disadvantaged, to human rights, to peace and justice, moved the entire world and continues to be a benchmark and example of coherence and service for successive generations of human rights defenders. Seeking justice three decades after their murders is our contribution to their memory.

To carry out the summary for the murder of the Jesuits, the APDHE has relied for more than a decade on the selfless effort of the Association's lawyers. Our thanks to Manuel Ollé Sesé, Almudena Bernabéu García, Maite Parejo Sousa, Eva Gimbernat Díaz, José Antonio Martín Pallín, Vidal Martín and Sara Ruiz Calvo, and to so many colleagues with and without toga who have contributed to this collective effort; Extensive thanks to the Martín Baró family and the Alumni Association of the Colegio San José de la Compañía de Jesús in Valencia for having accompanied us as prosecutors in the procedure.